Parent Information

Please find below some helpful information

Our School Day

It is expected that parents will have children at school  before the bell goes at 8.55am. Punctuality is important. During the first 10 minutes of the day teachers:

This time is vital for a child to feel settled and connected with their peers, teacher and, most importantly, their learning. Students need time in the morning to prepare their belongings and make themselves ready for the day. Please keep this in mind when planning your arrival time.

 Attendance at School & Notification of Absence

It is not okay to be late or to be off school without a justified reason. Truancy is being absent or late when a student could have been at school. Any unjustified absence is truancy. 

There are many reasons why a student may be kept at home for the day and we ask that parents contact us by 9.00 am by telephone, email, the FlexiBuzz app or in person to explain the absence. Any unexplained absences on the teachers' roll at 9.10 am will be followed up by a telephone call to parents or listed caregiver.   

If leaving a message on the answer phone, you will need to provide a reason for your child’s absence.  Please don’t be offended by this request, as the school is required by the Ministry of Education to code absences and if we don’t have an explanation for the child’s absence it will be recorded as ‘unjustified’. If you know how long your child will be away, please tell us in advance otherwise each day’s absence requires a call to explain. The answer machine is always on or you can talk to a member of staff from 8.30 am.

When planning holidays please ensure they fall within SCHOOL holidays. If, in special circumstances, your child needs to be absent from school during term time you must write to the Principal and request a leave of absence. Please also understand that there is no expectation on our teachers to provide additional learning resources or work for your child in their absence. This is your responsibility as the parent. Please respect our hard working teachers by not asking for this. 

If it is necessary for parents or caregivers to take children out of school, either from class or at break times, we ask that you ensure that the class teacher or duty teacher is informed and the child is signed out in the office.


Newsletters: Our whole school newsletter comes out every Monday. This can be read on our Facebook page and website and is also sent out via email. Each class sends out a newsletter at the beginning of each term outlining their expectations, homework and routines. Other news is communicated on class blogs throughout the term.

Facebook: A reminder to LIKE our school Facebook page to see the latest updates, news and celebrations.

FlexiBuzz App: Download and find Holy Family School for messages, events and communications.

School Calendar: Please remember to check the school calendar regularly as it is always being updated. 


If you have a concern about any issue within the school, please make an appointment to speak with the teacher concerned. If you are not satisfied that the matter has been resolved, a meeting with the Principal needs to be the next step. If you still feel unhappy about the situation then you will need to speak with the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. 

Our parents' complaint procedure  is available on the School Docs website. Visit: Enter username (hfw) and password (wanaka)

Dental Clinic

Our newly enrolled students attend the Wanaka Primary School Dental Clinic. Parents can phone and make an appointment on 443 7185.


We believe that e-learning increases engagement having positive impacts on student achievement, aiming to prepare students with the skills to be successful in a future world we can not yet comprehend.

We have a number of digital devices within our school, which are used as tools for learning in every classroom.  Along with the school's own devices , from years 4-8 we  encourage students to bring  in their own device. This is known as BYOD - Bring Your Own Device.   Students are asked to sign a user agreement with their parents and the school before their device is able to be used at school.  Students are given restricted access to the Internet and access to appropriate learning apps during class time.

Emergency Procedures

Emergency measures have been developed at our school.  Realistic common-sense procedures have been established among the staff and children so as to decrease anxiety and the possibility of panic in the case of an emergency.  We should then all have a better chance of responding effectively if such a situation should occur. Any decision to send pupils home following an emergency will be made by the Principal.  No student will be entrusted to anyone other than parents, caregivers or persons nominated by parents or caregivers.

Fees & Donations

Holy Family Catholic School seeks an annual donation from parents. This covers attendance at events and shows, school trips or to partake in community events. 

Payments are also required for religious education delivery, camps, skiing and swimming. These are charged as required. 

Fees may be paid in a lump sum or in instalments. Further details on payment methods can be obtained from the school office.


Children at Holy Family Catholic School have many opportunities for enhanced curriculum experiences such as class trips and visiting performers. As mentioned above, to avoid charging parents throughout the year for these activities we seek a donation at the beginning of the year to cover these costs. 


It is expected that every student will have some form of homework every night. This will take the form of reading, basic facts, spelling and Religious Education.

Leadership Opportunities - Year 7 & 8 Leadership Initiative

The school has a leadership initiative running in Year 7 and 8 and all students in these year groups are asked to rise to the challenges of leadership and win gold, silver and bronze awards. Throughout the year students work within our school and wider community to demonstrate leadership qualities.


At Holy Family Catholic School we encourage children to look after their minds and bodies and be healthy. Children are not allowed sweets, fizzy or energy drinks. Water needs to be brought to school daily in a named drink bottle. The children’s lunchboxes will be checked by the duty teacher at lunchtime to ensure sufficient food has been eaten before they play.

At 10am we have ‘brain break’. Please supply a fruit or vegetable snack for your child. We do not have a school canteen, however, on Wednesdays Subway orders can be ordered (online only).

Log onto register and order by 9.00 am Wednesdays.  

School Lunch ideas are available on  


Medical Conditions

If your child develops a medical condition please let us know immediately so that we can update our records.


Nut Free Policy

We have students with life threatening allergies (Anaphylaxis) to nuts. Taking this and other factors into consideration such as the distance from school to Dunstan Hospital and the age of the children, we have introduced a Nut-free policy to the school.

Please do not send foods in your child's lunchbox that contain whole or crushed peanuts or tree nuts, including:

Food allergies are a very serious safety issue. We trust that you share our concern for vulnerable students and support our responsibility to keep them safe at school. For more information check out Allergy NZ’s website:  or contact the Public Health Nurse.


Parent Involvement

We need parent support to continue to deliver a high standard of education to our students and welcome parent involvement in the life of our school.  Active involvement by parents sends students the message, ‘This is OUR school.  We care about it.’ 

Parents are invited to become involved in all aspects of our school programme, particularly:

If you would like to become involved with any of the above or share your special skills or interests with us please contact with your child’s class teacher.

Parking/Road Safety

Please be aware of children when driving in the school grounds. The school drive way is a one way road with a speed limit of 20km/hour. 

We have a drop off and pick up zone which is clearly marked with orange bollards and signs.

Buses stop directly outside the administration block in the mornings and afternoons. Please do not park in this area. 

Longer term parking is available in the car park near the tennis courts.


Interim reports go home to parents of students in years 4 – 8 at the end of Terms 2 and 4 and report in detail on literacy, numeracy, educational targets and religious education in relation to the National Standards. 

In years 1 – 3 our National Standards reporting is undertaken at 40, 60 and 80 weeks of schooling.

Other essential learning areas are reported on throughout the year.

At the beginning of Term 1 of each year your child's teacher will telephone you and a Three Way Conference between parent, child and teacher is held in Term 1 and 3. Other interviews are by request. 


Safe Travel to School

Students cycling, skateboarding or scooting to school are encouraged to be safe and sensible on the roads. There are stands for students to leave their bikes and scooters safely during school hours. All bikes, skateboards and scooters are NOT to be ridden once students enter our school grounds for safety reasons.

Mt Iron Walking Bus:  Walks every morning from Anderson Rd at 8.30am (by the lane to Achilles Place - look for the sign).  Check Radio Wanaka in morning for cancellations if wet.  

School Ambassadors

We have two school ambassadors selected as the senior leader of our school. This student represents our school by leading school assemblies, meeting and greeting important visitors to our school, attending formal functions and visiting people in our community with the Principal.  These students also have the opportunity to attend the Young Leaders Conference held each year.


Students should not be sent to school if sick.  If you are unsure and do send your child, please do not tell him or her to phone if he or she feels worse … they will!  Instead, phone the school office and let us know.

In case of sickness or injury, students are sent to the medical room for assessment and further action as required.  If the sickness or injury is considered to require treatment and contact cannot be made with the parent or designated caregiver, the student may be taken to the Wanaka Medical Centre or if it is deemed the injury requires urgent treatment, such as for a broken bone, an ambulance will be called.  Parents will be notified with regard to any steps taken by the school in this area.  It is really important that your contact phone numbers and emergency contacts are kept up-to-date in our office.

The health and welfare of the students in our care is paramount.  If a student has a head injury, regardless of its severity, parents will be informed.  If the injury or illness is minor, this will be attended to and the student will be returned to class.  If the student appears distressed, parents will be called.


The school offers a wide range of sports. We also enter school teams in a variety of competitions.  Kirsten Scott is our sports co-ordinator and can be contacted on


Our Year 7 and 8 students attend Technology classes at Mt Aspiring College once a week.  

Transfer from another school

If your child is transferring from another school, we will need information on where he or she is achieving in the different curriculum areas to help group them quickly upon arrival. Your child will then be retested as soon as possible. Previous school reports/portfolios are most useful and will be returned to you once we have looked at them.


Transition from preschool

On Wednesday afternoons, for six weeks prior to your child’s fifth birthday, when he or she will start school, we run a transition to school programme. Our new entrant teacher will be in touch 8 weeks before the start date to arrange these times with you. This is an important part of settling your child into school when they first begin and helps to familiarise them with the school environment.

Uniform - Click here to take you to the Uniform page.

We expect all students to take pride in their uniform.  We insist that students wear the correct uniform every day.