
Curriculum and Learning at Holy Family Catholic School

Our School promotes and actively works towards an Integrated curriculum model in its teaching and learning:

Students are at the centre of all teaching and learning. Each child is encouraged to be an active learner, using their prior experience which they begin with, to engage in learning and democratically decide as a class what they will study in an integrated way.

The school community have established strategic goals which reflect the essential learning that they believe children need to operate successfully as life long learners. These goals are embedded in the Schools charter and form the basis of learning.

Learning intentions with learning outcomes give guidance to what we want children to learn. Involving children in selecting authentic learning contexts which reflect both the NZ Curriculum and the needs and interests of the children and the community, gives the opportunities to identify and build on prior knowledge, develop strategies and apply knowledge, skills and attitudes that create life long learners.  This forms the basis of the democratic curriculum model  used in the school.