Holy Family Catholic School’s snow sports programme is a very important part of the culture of our school.
It is more than just spending the day up the mountain having fun learning to ski or snowboard - it is a fully integrated curriculum that becomes the focus of teaching and learning during 5 weeks of term 3.
At its core, Holy Family Catholic School values FAMILY, and we are 100% committed to a full school programme, where every child can participate.
To ensure that this happens, the Board of Trustees has created the Snow Sports Scholarship Fund, and Southern Lakes Heliski has generously come on board as our principal sponsor.
The Principal will award scholarships from this fund to students on a needs basis (generally not 100% of the programme cost).
A sub-committee runs and promotes this initiative, securing monies from local snow industry business sponsorship, service clubs, grants and donations. If you’re a business and you’d like to become a supporter, please email us for more details on the benefits of getting involved.
To make a personal tax deductible donation anytime, the account details are: Snowsports Fund, 06-0943-0080202-50 (please email us for a receipt).